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Links to more resources you may find useful.
All About the Journey
...all of the New Testament except eleven minor verses can be reconstructed outside the Bible from the writings of the early church leaders in the second and third centuries AD.
This site has articles about his journey from atheist to believer as well as links to audio and video files on apologetics topics. I especially like the article on Bible manuscripts that has this quote, "This pales in textual comparison with the over 5,600 copies and fragments of the New Testament in the original Greek that, together, assure us that nothing's been lost. In fact, all of the New Testament except eleven minor verses can be reconstructed outside the Bible from the writings of the early church leaders in the second and third centuries AD."
Bible study resources including maps of the Holy Land using satellite data and an article on inspiration of the Bible. I especially like section B. 5. which discusses the Bible's preservation compared to other historic documents.
"For The Bible Tells Me So"
Stand To Reason
Here are two of the many resources at this Web site that you might find useful. They are found under Resources, then Commentaries & Articles, and then Apologetics.
"Is the New Testament Text Reliable?"
"Why We Should Trust the Gospel Witnesses"
Biblical culture, history and archeology:
That The World May Know
Evangelical historian Ray Vander Laan is founder of That the World May Know Ministries. He is also creator of the Faith Lessons video series with Focus on the Family. He This site has a large amount of information on Biblical culture, history and archeology.
Institute for Creation Research
The scientists at ICR provide a wide range of creationist research and resources that are appropriate for all age and eduction levels, from kids to scientists.
The Way of the Master
Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort present some great information about sharing your faith. Some really good clips demonstrate their witnessing techniques on the street.
Frontier Ventures
Once known as the U.S. Center for World Mission and the Frontier Mission Fellowship, it is now known as Frontier Ventures. Their primary focus remains the unreached people groups of the world. Its many minitries are also a great source for mission information.
Joshua Project has a World Map of Unreached Peoples.
Mission Frontiers' article "Commitment to a Wartime Lifestyle" by Ralph Winter impacted my thinking.
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