
How to Report Errors
Please e-mail your error reports to:

Report anything that does not seem correct. If it is not an error, we can tell you, "It is not a bug, it is a feature."

If the are general errors or problems, report them for that whole section or module.

"The Sitemap button was not working at all in Module 3."

But for most errors, be very specific:

1. Report page where the error occurred.

You will find the page address near the top of the browser page.

Internet Explorer calls it the "Address." Netscape Navigator calls it the "Location."

We do not need the full address:

Just the last part: adv1015.htm

Or even shorter: 1015

2. List the paragraph and the sentence where the error occurred.

If there are several errors on a page, you can group them, for example:

Sitemap button not working on bottom navigation bar. It gave me an error message.

Next to last paragraph, second sentence: "science" mispelled.

Third paragraph, fourth sentence: change "mind" to "mine"

Also please be specific as to the nature of the problem:

Not just–"The Sitemap button not working on bottom navigation bar."

But– "Sitemap button not working on bottom navigation bar. It gave an error message."

Or– "Sitemap button not working on bottom navigation bar. It jumped me to the Sitemap for Module 2 and I was in Module 3."

When possible make sure you can get the error to repeat or see if it only happens under certain circumstances.

"If I go from page 3000 to 3010, the Previous button on page 3010 brings me back to 3000. But if I am on 3015, the Previous button on 3015 takes me to 3010, but then the Previous button on 3010 takes me to 3015 instead of 3000."


Please report all types of errors

Is the religious and scientific information correct? Are there math errors?

Are spelling and grammar correct?

The spell checkers usually do not catch words that are "correct," but are the wrong word, such as "mine" instead of "mind." We appreciate your help in catching those errors.

Do the buttons and hyperlinks work? (Hyperlinks are the clickable text within a page. When clicked, hyperlinks jump to another page, another window or another section within the same page.)

Are all the pages accessible from the Sitemap page? Are there any extra pages on the Sitemap page that do not show up on within the module?

User friendly
Is the navigation consistent and logical? Once you have learned the navigational design, is it easy or difficult move around?

Are pages downloading fast enough? (It will always be better if pages loaded faster, so the question is, are the speeds acceptable?) Are there any pages that seem to take much longer to download than the other pages are taking to download?


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All Rights Reserved