
Module 3 Practice Examination
1. The discovery of what led to the development of the Big Bang Theory?
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A. Redshift

B. Sunspots

C. Clumps in the universe

D. Background radiation

2. The Big Bang Theory first predicted that the universe would be uniform in matter distribution. How have proponents of the Big Bang Theory explained the "clumpy universe"?
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A. Redshift

B. Cold Dark Matter gravitation

C. Dispersal of hydrogen

D. Background radiation

3. Why is Venus unsuitable for life?
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A. It has no atmosphere.

B. It is too cold.

C. It is too hot.

D. It is not terrestrial.

4. What is teleology?
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A. The philosophical argument stating that the universe must have had a sufficient "cause" that brought it into existence.

B. The philosophical argument stating that an argument is circular if the end result is used as evidence for the end result.

C. The philosophical argument stating that design in the universe implies a designer.

D. The philosophical argument stating that organisms reproduce after their own kind.

5. What is Cosmic Background Radiation?
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A. The Doppler effect in stars

B. Low temperature (about 2.7oK) in space

C. The matter that holds clusters together

D. The heat coming from the sun

E. All the above

6. Which type(s) of stars would be considered "main sequence"?
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A. A large, hot star

B. A large, cool star

C. A small, hot star

D. A small cool star

E. Both A and D

F. Both B and C

7. Arrange the following by size (in increasing order).
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The Local Group
Light Year
The Great Galactic Wall
Virgo Super Cluster
Astronomical Unit
Milky Way
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A. I, II, III, IV, VI, V

B. II, V, VI, IV, I, III

C. II, V, VI, I, IV, III

D. V, II, VI, I, IV, III

8. Which of the following is part of the problem called the "young faint sun paradox"?
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A. According to current theories of stellar development, the sun should be brighter than it is now—after 4.5 billion years—but if it were, Earth would be too hot for life to exist.

B. According to current theories of stellar development, the sun would have been too hot 4.5 billion years ago for life to form.

C. According to current theories of stellar development, the sun should be smaller than it is now—after 4.5 billion years—but if it were, Earth would be too cool to support life.

D. According to current theories of stellar development, the sun would have been too close to Earth 4.5 billion years ago for life to form.

9. What is the Eagle Nebula?
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A. A young star

B. A cloud of dust and gas

C. A supernova

D. A possible planet outside our solar system

E. All the above

10. What would happen if the earth were moved a few million miles closer to the sun?
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A. The oceans would become larger

B. Decrease in solar reflective surfaces

C. Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

D. More rainfall

E. A, B, C, and D

F. A and C

11. The Earth has the appearance of being uniquely suitable for life. Which characteristic, found on Earth but not found on Mars, makes Earth better suited for life?
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A. An atmosphere

B. Terrestrial surface

C. Water

D. Moon

12. The components of our atmosphere seem to be in the optimal proportions to support life. What would be the result of increasing the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere?
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A. Increased surface temperature

B. Ozone layer would be so thick, that life could not survive

C. Faster weathering of rocks and metals

D. Plants would die

13. The Big Bang theory is a part of the naturalistic worldview to eliminate the necessity of God as the Creator. Which of the following is/are (a) problem(s) with the Big Bang Theory of origins?
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A. The Big Bang is incapable of making predictions.

B. The Big Bang does not explain structures like the Great Galactic Wall.

C. The Big Bang does not ultimately explain the origin of subatomic particles.

D. The Big Bang does not explain uniform cosmic background radiation.

E. A and C

F. B and D

G. B, C, and D

H. A, B, C, and D

14. Creationists believe there may be explanations for variations in the cosmic background radiation alternative to evolutionary explanations. For example (choose one):
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A. Temperature "bumps" or increases reflect the clumps of gas that grew into stars and clusters.

B. Temperature fluctuations can be the result of radiation scattered through a gas cloud.

C. Temperature fluctuations can be the result of radiation from different colored stars.

D. Temperature fluctuations are the result of varying distances that light must travel in space.

15. How can the luminosity of the sun be used to defend a young universe?
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A. If the sun were 4.6 billion years old, the Earth would have had a surface temperature too cool for life to evolve billions of years ago.

B. If the sun were 4.6 billion years old, it would be a red giant by now.

C. If the sun were 4.6 billion years old, the Earth would have had a surface temperature too hot for life to evolve.

D. If the sun were 4.6 billion years old, it would have been too large for Earth to have existed 4.5 billion years ago.

16. How can the mass of a proton be used as evidence for teleology?
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A. If the proton were 0.2% larger than it is, it would be an unstable particle.

B. If the mass of a proton were slightly larger, hydrogen would be unstable.

C. The mass of a proton is integral to the stability of the universe.

D. It is the mass of the proton that makes it a stable particle, unlike the neutron.

E. All the above

F. B and C only

G. A and D only

17. Why do cosmologists want to find other planets so badly?
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A. To find new places to colonize

B. To prove that evolution occurs

C. "To seek out new life and new civilizations..."

D. To renew our fossil fuel supply

18. What is the appropriate attitude to have regarding new discoveries found in astronomy?
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A. Aversion—because the Bible is enough for us.

B. Fear—that the Bible will have shortcomings.

C. Complacency—because we know we already have the truth.

D. Anticipation—because new information will help our model.

19. Mars has a reddish color due to its high iron content in the crust. How is Earth different, and why is the difference significant to life?
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A. Earth has no iron in the crust because iron is toxic to earthworms and worms are necessary to aerate the soil.

B. Earth has less iron in the crust than oxygen because a higher proportion of iron would deplete the oxygen level.

C. Earth has less iron in the crust than oxygen because Earth has a reducing atmosphere.

D. Earth has more iron in the crust than oxygen because too much oxygen would oxidize everything and life could not exist.

20. What determines the color of a star?
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A. The size of the star

B. The composition of the star

C. The shape of the star

D. The distance of the star from other gravitational bodies

21. The Drake Equation states:

"The Total number of livable planets Multiplied by the Probability of evolution = Number of planets with evolved life". Is this equation true or false?

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A. True because there are no other livable planets in the universe besides Earth.

B. False because the Bible says definitively that there are no other planets.

C. True because the probability of evolution is essentially zero so the answer will always be zero.

D. False because probabilities cannot be formulated to accurately represent the possibility of an act happening or not.

22. Which explanation describes the method by which new planets are "observed"?
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A. New planets can be seen as extremely faint points of light next to stars that are brighter.

B. New planets are assumed to be the agents responsible for causing certain stars to "wobble."

C. New planets are observed by aligning the Keck telescope on Hawaii with the Hubble telescope in orbit.

D. New planets are observed during a lunar eclipse when the sky is darker than other nights.

Read the following hypothetical Newspaper Article and answer question 23.

23. Identify an evolutionary assumption from the article above.
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A. The presence of bacterial cells necessarily implies evolution.

B. There is no life on Mars.

C. It is impossible to predict how life will evolve on Mars because evolution is a random process.

D. They assume that the minimum requirements for life are the same on Mars and Earth.

24. Recently, cosmologists have declared that they have found new planets outside our solar system. What are the implications if these really are planets?
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A. Identification of new planets means extraterrestrial life.

B. There will be water and oxygen on them, and since these are necessary for life, life might exist on these other planets.

C. That God made more than nine planets.

D. That God originally made many planets in our solar system, but some escaped to other areas.

25. You are challenged to an informal debate on the topic of origins. You accept the challenge and your opponent presents the following "evidence" for the Big Bang:

"It is obvious that the Big Bang occurred because the major component of stars is hydrogen —just like the Big Bang predicts, and because the stars are moving away from us as they continue to expand from the Big Bang—another prediction of the Big Bang."

How would you respond to these claims?

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A. Challenge him to prove to you that stars have hydrogen in them.

B. Tell him that his evidences are not predictions, but rather observations on which the theory was formulated.

C. Point out that the Big Bang predicted that the universe would be completely uniform, and it has many large clusters and voids.

D. Point out that no one was there to observe the Big Bang, so we cannot make models.

26. Identify which of the following is an example of teleology.
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A. The oxygen content in Mars' atmosphere

B. The way the Jupiter's moons take orbits that don't intersect.

C. The presence of polar ice caps on Venus.

D. The amount of nitrogen in Earth's atmosphere.

27. Identify a tautologous (circular) prediction of the Big Bang Theory.
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A. The Big Bang was formed to explain why stars have red shift, and stars do have red shift, so the Big Bang is true.

B. The Big Bang predicts that the universe is bathed in uniform cosmic background radiation and the universe is bathed in low temperature radiation.

C. The Big Bang predicts that life would exist and it does exist.

D. The Big Bang theory is an attempt to explain life without God.

28. Neither Venus nor Mars is suitable for life. Even if we combine the conditions on each planet, we still wouldn't be able to duplicate all the necessary conditions for life that we find on Earth. From the choices below, select which conditions are not found on either Mars or Venus.
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A. An atmosphere and carbon dioxide

B. A terrestrial surface and water

C. Heat and oxygen

D. Oxygen and moderate temperatures

E. Atmospheric pressure and water

21. Essay: Module 3 discusses the Big Bang Theory of evolution. Describe the Big Bang Theory. Discuss problems with the Big Bang Theory.

After completing your essay, check your answer here.

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