1. Which of the following is a problem in spontaneous DNA polymerization (without enzymes)? | |
A. Isomeric forms of the molecules B. Bond formation at improper sites C. Base binding to sugars other than ribose D. All of the above |
2. Which of the following is true about the effects of ultraviolet light? | |
A. Very little ammonia could exist in the atmosphere B. UV would only have had an effect on molecules in the ocean C. Oxygen in the atmosphere would have been converted to helium and carbon by UV D. Water vapor in the atmosphere would not have been broken down significantly |
3. True or False: Chiral isomers of amino acids cannot bind together in nonliving matter. | |
True False |
4. Why would the presence of oxygen have been a problem for a naturalistic origin of life? | |
A. Oxygen is so inert that it would have prevented all reactions. B. Oxygen would not put a limit on formation of basic building blocks. C. All of the Oxygen would have been converted to ozone. D. Organic molecules would have been oxidized preventing the formation of biological polymers |
5. Which of the following is (are) evidence(s) that the early atmosphere did, in fact, have oxygen present? I. Fossilized photosynthetic cells have been found in "ancient" strata II. The presence of pyrite (FeS2) in the lowest rock layers III. Uranium oxides in rock dated as 2.5 billion years old IV. The geologic evidence of an ozone layer | |
A. I only B. I and II C. I and III D. I, II, III, and IV E. None of the above |
6. If there was oxygen in the earliest atmosphere, how can young earth creationists explain the presence of reduced forms of metals that seem to have been exposed to the atmosphere? | |
A. Warm temperatures would have reduced oxidation. B. Glaciers would have slowed oxidation. C. Metals would not have oxidized at that time. D. The data seems to have been falsified. |
7. Why do evolutionists need a theory like the RNA World? | |
A. To explain the origin of nucleic acids B. To explain the origin of proteins C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B |
8. Which of the following would have prevented the accumulation of beta-D-ribonucleotides? | |
A. The reaction pathway for the synthesis of ribose B. Absence of formaldehyde C. Beta-L-ribonucleotides D. Presence of phosphate |
9. Which of the following is necessary for ribonucleotide polymerization, and probably did not exist in the pre-biotic soup? | |
A. High temperature B. ATP C. DNA D. Amino acids |
10. What characteristic(s) of a protein determine(s) its function? | |
A. The amino acid sequence B. The number of repeating amino acids C. The shape of the ribosome that translates it D. All of the above |
11. Which of the following is an objection to Oparin's Coacervate theory? | |
A. Coacervates never form B. Coacervates are very unstable C. Coacervates cannot take up enzymes D. All of the above |
12. What are the odds of a protein forming spontaneously with a specific sequence of 100 amino acids? | |
A. 1 in 10020 B. 1 in 100 X 20 (2,000) C. 1 in 20100 D. 1 in 100 |
13. What experiment did Pasteur do to demonstrate that spontaneous generation does not occur? | |
A. Covered meat with gauze B. Wrote angry letters C. Boiled the broth for long periods of time D. Formed J-shaped necks on flasks of broth |
14. How is the coacervate theory of evolution different from abiogenesis? | |
A. Proponents of abiognesis believed that simple organisms arose from dead meat. B. By definition, they are not really different. C. Coacervate evolutionists believe that all organic molecules are living. D. Coacervate evolution says that living cells were actually formed in lab experiments. |
15. True or False: Spontaneous generation is the idea that life can arise from nonliving material without any outside manipulation or intervention. | |
True False |
16. The experiment by Sidney Fox demonstrated that: | |
A. Amino acids spontaneously polymerize into non-random sequences. B. Some, but not all, amino acids can withstand high heat and form bonds. C. Non-biological amino acids (D-forms) do not bind to L-amino acids in the presence of high heat. D. Life can arise from non-life. |
17. True or False: The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics does not apply to the polymerization of nucleic acids and proteins because no energy is required for polymerization. Interpret this observation. | |
True False |
18. Molecular homology is based on | |
A. Amino acid sequence B. Similarities in bone structures C. RNA antisequence D. Both A and B
19. Why did Sir Fred Hoyle say that life could not have arisen by chance? | |
A. Because of religious conviction B. He said that Gaia told him in a dream C. The mathematical probability was too small D. His observation of the complexity of the eye |
20. True or False: The information of the DNA molecule is contained in three dimensions, not just in two. Interpret this observation. | |
True False |
21. Essay: The Origin of Life. Write a brief overview of the five steps that have to be met in order for life to arise naturalistically. Include salient details for each step. After completing your essay, check your answer here. | |