
Video Introduction

In The Origin of Man, Dr. Duane Gish discusses the fossil record as it relates to man. The video demonstrates that the fossil record shows very clearly that evolution has not taken place on Earth.

Video Outline

I. Evolutionary lineage of primates
A. Characteristics of primates

B. Tree shrew-like common ancestor

C. Evaluating the evidence for the evolutionary lineage of primates
1. From tree shrew to lemur
a. There are no transitional forms showing that tree shrews evolved into lemur-like animals; it in an inferred relationship

b. There is no close relationship at all between tree shrews and primates

c. There are no maternal similarities (of behavior) between tree shrews and primates

2. From lemur to monkey
a. There is no transitional form or history of the origin of New World monkeys (according to Kelso)

b. There is no record of the evolution of Old world monkeys (according to Kelso)

3. From monkeys to apes (gibbons, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans)
a. There are no transitional forms

b. Find discontinuity, not continuity

II. The evolutionary lineage of man
A. The supposed evolutionary lineage: Common ancestor branched to apes and to man (separate lines); all intermediate stages are placed in Hominidae family
Ramapithecus (13 - 10 million years ago) to Australopithecus (4 -1 million years ago) to Homo erectus (1.6 - 1 million years ago) to Homo sapiens

B. Ramapithecus: anatomical differences between men and apes—jaw and teeth
Ramapithecus has the teeth and jaw of a typical orangutan

C. Australopithecus: ape-like skulls
1. Lucy—claimed that she walked upright (hip joint); had gorilla jaw

2. Lord Zuckerman—Australopithecus did not walk upright

3. Dr. Oxnard—said they did not walk upright, and were not man's ancestors

D. Homo erectus
1. Java man
a. Dubois found skull cap and femur: skull cap - apelike; femur - human-like

b. Later Dubois said he was wrong; it was a gibbon

2. Found teeth, jaws, broken skulls, and tools
a. creatures were too ape-like to have used tools

b. seem to have been hunted and eaten

3. Lewis Leakey found Australopithecus and Homo erectus contemporary, in a layer above man

E. Neanderthal
1. Were hunched, had eyebrow ridges, walked upright

2. Were diseased - arthritis and ricketts

3. Fully human

F. Cro-magnon man—very similar to a European man

G. Others:
1. Piltdown man—hoax

2. Nebraska Man—one tooth

The fossil record shows us that man is a special creation by God, as were the apes and monkeys.


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