1. In what structural way were dinosaurs different from modern lizards? |
| A. They were just larger than lizards are. B. They could run faster than lizards can. C. Dinosaurs' hip structures gave them an upright stance. D. All dinosaurs' hip structures were "lizard-like." |
2. How did early and more recent findings of Oviraptor fossils support Dr. Morris' assertion that "opinions about fossils are only opinions"? |
| A. Oviraptor is a case of mistaken identitythe wrong head was placed on the wrong body. B. Oviraptor was named according to a mistaken belief of its behavior. C. Oviraptor was not really a dinosaurit was an unusual bird. D. Oviraptor was made up based on a pelvis and a very few ribs, and was later shown to have been an incorrect reconstruction. |
3. Based on the apologetic given by Dr. Vardiman (Sidebar 2), which of the following would have been the best reply for Christians to make for the apparent possible discrepancy between the account given in the Scriptures and the discovery of dinosaurs in the fossil record? |
| A. God made the fossils in the rock layers to test our faith in the authority of the Bible. B. God made the dinosaurs along with other animals and man, but they went extinct. C. Dinosaurs must have lived before men because there is no record of people with dinosaurs. D. Dinosaurs must have evolved from another animal type, but could not compete with mammals, so they went extinct. |
4. How do scientists date the rock layers that contain dinosaur fossils? |
| A. By the number of dinosaurs in them B. By radioactive decay processes C. By how deep they are in the ground D. By the types of fossils in them |
5. How could Noah have fit all the animals into the ark? |
| A. He likely took animals representing the genus, not the species level. B. He didn't take them all; burrowing animals could escape the floodwaters. C. The ark was really a lot bigger than any vessel ever created since, and could have held more than it did.
D. He took eggs from the egg-laying species. |
6. Why were dinosaurs never mentioned in writings from older times? |
| A. The name dinosaur is a recent name. They may have been referred to as "dragons" in the past. B. They were unknown to man until fossils were uncovered. C. They were only in ancient children's tales until the 1960's. D. They were hunted to extinction. |
7. Some Christians, not knowing how to interpret dinosaurs in their worldview, have said that dinosaurs did not really exist. Which of the following is a strong proof that they did exist? |
| A. They are represented in many museums, including ICR's museum of earth history. B. Fossilization has been demonstrated to happen to real bones. C. Whole dinosaur skeletons have been found and they are unique from other animals. D. They have been found alive in the jungles in the People's Republic of the Congo. |
8. In sidebar 2, Dr. Vadiman said that "When a conflict becomes evident between an apparent interpretation of the Bible and an apparent finding of science" he would do which of the following? |
| A. Force the science to fit into his interpretation of the Bible B. Proceed with his interpretation of Scripture until more knowledge was gained C. Reevaluate his interpretation of Scripture until it fit with science D. Regard the Bible as a mythbut he says that would never happen |
9. Does the Bible refer to dinosaurs-like animals? |
| A. Yes B. No C. Maybe |
10. Why do some say that the "dinosaur mania" may be harmful to children? |
| A. It is completely evolutionary. B. It accepts evolution unquestioning. C. Acceptance of dinosaurs leads to belief in evolution. D. It subtly teaches intrinsic evolutionary concepts. |
11. Which of the following is the best way to demonstrate that the eggs we call dinosaur eggs were really laid by dinosaurs? |
| A. Finding fossilized dinosaur embryos in eggs B. The parent dinosaurs have been found with the eggs C. The shell structure is unique from birds' and other reptiles' egg structure D. Finding young dinosaurs in nests |
12. According to Sidebar 3, which is a problem with obtaining a precise age for sedimentary rocks? |
| A. Radioisotope dating relies on untestable assumptions. B. These derived rocks are made largely of erosion particles from older rocks. C. It is difficult to find enough sedimentary rock in one layer to obtain an age. D. Sedimentary rocks do not contain radioisotopes. |
13. In the journal Nature Jan. 6, 2000 on page 37, a report is given that some iguanas are able to shrink in body length (up to 20% has been observed) when food is scarce to reduce their metabolic needs. This could have been of obvious help to Noah. This is parallel to what characteristic of other animals that could have made Noah's job easier? |
| A. Many animals will experience dormancy, torpor, and hibernation B. God must have made aggressive carnivores docile during their stay on the ark. C. Most bats can be reared on fruit juice instead of whole fruit. D. Invertebrates such as worms, snails and insects may not have been taken on the Ark (based on the Hebrew terminology in the Genesis account). |
14. Many claims are made about what dinosaurs did and did not do. Because we do not have living dinosaurs, our knowledge of their behavior, physiology, and even of their anatomy is limited. Based on what you saw on the video and read in Sidebar 1 about dinosaur eggs, which of the following seems to be a reasonable claim about dinosaur behavior? |
| A. All dinosaur species laid eggs. B. Dinosaurs buried their eggs to keep them warm, but would not have incubated them. C. Dinosaur embryos did not resemble their parents. D. Some dinosaurs left the nest immediately after hatching; some did not. |
15. Interpret the significance of Sidebar 4 "Rationale for Ark Life Surviving the Flood." |
| A. It demonstrates that the Flood happened like the Bible says it did. B. It demonstrates that Noah had all the different kinds of animals on the ark. C. It demonstrates that the Biblical account really is possible. D. It demonstrates that the Biblical account can be interpreted as a myth. |
16. Identify the significance of Sidebar 3 "Problems in Dating Sedimentary Rock" to our understanding of the fossil record. |
| A. Sedimentary rock cannot be directly dated. B. It is not really possible to obtain a precise date for fossils or sedimentary rock. Ages are frequently assigned based on the assumption of evolution. C. Fossils can be dated directly, but the rock layers they are buried in cannot be dated directly. D. The old ages given to dinosaurs are inaccurate because dinosaurs were deposited between sedimentary layers. |
17. Write an essay that captures the main points of how dinosaurs fit into a young earth creationist model including when they appeared, why some ate meat, what happened to them at the time of Noah's flood, and speculate why we don't see any today. |
| After completing your essay, check your answer here. |
18. Write an essay that discusses unusual, "dinosaur-like" animal sightings and how a living dinosaur could fit into a creationist model. Do you think a living dinosaur would be difficult for an evolutionary model? Why or why not? |
| After completing your essay, check your answer here. |