Advanced Creationism


Accessing the Advanced Creationism Web site
To access the site, type the following Web address into the address line of your browser:

Each module is designed to complement the video that it accompanies. It is recommended that you proceed through the module in the following manner:

Start with the Module Introduction page.
The Module Introduction page provides hyperlinks to other pages for each of the main sections of the module.

On the Module Introduction page you will find your video assignment and your textbook reading assignment. After viewing the video and reading your textbook assignment, return to the Web site to study the information provided for that module.

(Hyperlinks are discussed in more detail in the Navigation Terms:Hyperlinks section of this manual.)

Visit the hyperlinks.
Some of these pages will have hyperlinks that lead to additional pages.It is best to view all the hyperlinks on a page before backing up to the previous page.

Navigation Terms

Hyperlinks are the simplest way to navigate to different areas of a given site. By definition, hyperlinks are connections to different sections of a site. Hyperlinks wrap around text or graphics on the page. Linked text has a different font color and is underlined. Graphics that are hyperlinked give similar clues that they contain links by the text you see contained in the graphic. Clicking a hyperlink sends the browser to the connected section.

Most browsers will change the cursor shape when it is over a hyperlink. Running the mouse over a graphic or text causes the cursor to change if it is a hyperlink. You should watch for hyperlinks throughout the course.
  • Unvisited Hyperlinks appear in green text.
  • Visited hyperlinks appear in purple text.
  • Glossary hyperlinks appear in blue text.

Pop-ups are secondary browser windows that are used to display additional information. Pop-ups may present pertinent material in a particular section, including:
  • Glossary terms
  • Biographical information
  • Graphics
  • Audio or video clips
Some hyperlinked text accesses pop-ups. You may choose to leave the pop-up window open to use the content as a reference as they read the presented material. Or the pop-up window can be closed by clicking the boxed "X" in the upper right corner on Windows© computers (or the Close box in the upper left corner of Macintosh© computers).

If the pop-up window is open, and another pop-up link is clicked, the text in the pop-up window will be replaced with the new information.

Caution: There is a possible cause for confusion if the pop-up window is left open. When you move back to the main window [making the main window active, bringing it to the top of the pile of open windows] the pop-up window will move behind the main window and may disappear. Although it will be updated as new pop-up items are selected, the updates may not be visible because the pop-up window is behind the active window.

If the pop-up window does not appear to be opening, check that it is not behind the active window.

Navigation Options

Each of these methods is described in detail below:

Top Navigation Bar

The Top Navigation Bar is a graphic located at the top of each page in a module. The graphic provides links to key areas in each module. It links to:
  • Advanced Creationism home page
  • Module home page
  • Summary and Review
  • Practice Examination
  • Sitemap

Bottom Navigation Bar

The Bottom Navigation Bar consists of text hyperlinks. The Bottom Navigation Bar is located at the bottom of each page in a module. These text hyperlinks provide links to the same key areas as the Top Navigation Bar:
  • Advanced Creationism home page
  • Module home page
  • Summary and Review
  • Practice Examination
  • Sitemap
Previous & Next
Some pages will have a Previous and/or Next buttons located at the bottom of the page.

The Previous button provides a way to move backward through the contents of the selected module.

The Next button provides a way to move forward through the module.

The Sitemap is accessed from both the graphical Top Navigation Bar and the textual Bottom Navigation Bar. The Sitemap is a hyperlinked list showing each page in the module, listed by title.

In addition to providing quick access to all pages in a given module, the sitemap can be used to see which pages have been visited and which have not. (Unvisited hyperlinks are in green text, visited hyperlinks are in purple text.) This is especially useful if you choose to visit all the supplemental reading material.

The sitemap also provides an overview of the material presented in the module. It displays the module in an outline format.

Most browsers provide back functionality by means of a Back button in the browser navigation bar or a menu selection. (Because hyperlinks allow a user to jump around the Web, the Back button jumps the user "back" to the page from which the current page was accessed. This could be anywhere. It is not just what would have been the previous page if the Web site had been viewed in a linear fashion.)

The browser can also move backwards by selecting Back from the Go menu.

The browser can also jump backwards several pages by selecting the page from the Go menu.

Setting Bookmarks
Most browsers also have book-marking functionality that allows quick access to a site or a particular page from a drop-down menu.

In Internet Explorer©, the function is called Favorites. To set a page as a favorite, simply select Add to Favorites from the Favorites menu when viewing the page to be bookmarked. The browser will then be able to access that page by its title when selected from the Favorites menu.

In Netscape Navigator©, the function is called Bookmarks. To bookmark a page, simply select Add Bookmark from the Bookmark menu. The browser will then be able to access that page by its title when selected from the Bookmark menu.


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