Advanced Creationism

Measuring Comprehension

Practice Examinations
Practice examinations are intended to aid your understanding of the material in the module and to prepare you for the final examination.

Final Examination
Once all twelve modules have been completed, the final examination may be taken. This is a comprehensive examination covering all twelve modules.

It is the student's responsibility to arrange for a proctor for the final examination.

Qualifications for a Proctor
The proctor must be a professional person with greater than a bachelor's degree. Possible proctors include pastor, certified teacher, educational administrator, credentialed librarian, lawyer, military officer (captain or above), medical professional (M.D., D.M.D., D.V.M., etc.) or administrator (president, vice president, etc.).

The proctor can not be related to or employed by the student.

Select a proctor, verify that the person is willing to serve as a proctor, then forward the following information to ICR Graduate School.

Telephone number
E-mail address (if available)

ICR Graduate School will contact the proctor and verify qualifications and willingness to serve as proctor. Once verified, the final exam and directions for administration of the final exam will be sent to the proctor.

To assure prompt completion of the course, student should complete the proctor selection and verification process early in the course.


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