While my husband Mac was putting together this section of the www.mandley.com website, I picked up Parenting with a Wise Heart to double-check the content he was putting on that Web page. After flipping through the pages of my book, I waved it toward him and said, "It still amazes me how this book is the one I wished for when I was raising my kids."
Being a gramma, mom, auntie, and friend, I hope others are able to learn not only from my mistakes, but also from what I did well. My deepest desire and prayer is that those I mentor will learn "God-pleasing living" from what I say and teach.
When I describe myself as a Christian, I am saying I follow Jesus Christ. One of God's goals is that all believers demonstrate how to have a healthy personal relationship with Him. My relationship with God was not always healthy. That changed when I decided to do my best to live every facet of my life truthfully. Since then, my goal is to teach others about "God-pleasing living". My desire is to help you, who love God and love people, do that better in the midst of all of your relationships.
As a verifiable advice-giver, still working hard at my own God-pleasing living, I strive to share carefully what I have learned. I want to help you strengthen your leadership skills, and learn God's vision for families. I want to give you basic functions for measuring the operating success of your family. My intent is to help you increase your family unity and also improve your communication skills. Hang out with me and let me encourage you to make specific plans, create your own mission statement, and show you how to use smiley faces to make good decisions. My aim is to help you engage in God-pleasing living, combining what you learn from God into how you live. God and I want you to be the best that you can be.
Life Experiences
I graduated from college at 45 years old, with a teaching credential in Human Environmental Science (also called Home Economics or Consumer Family Science). God provided the job of my dreams as I began 10 years of teaching for the Cal-SAFE (California School-Age Family Education) Program. The program's goal is to keep teen parents in school. Most years I worked at three different high schools each day teaching life skills and parenting to teen moms and dads. Another portion of my duties included supervising the on-campus child care centers. This is where the infants and toddlers of my young parents were guided, guarded and also taught.
I have had the immense pleasure of being a speaker at numerous retreats; along with teaching parenting and life skills classes in the churches I've attended here in the USA. It has amazed me that as a part of our missionary travels, God has provided opportunities to teach parenting and life skills in South America, Africa, and Asia. All of these educational and teaching experiences have helped me research scripture and then formulate the ideas and thoughts that I have written into Parenting with a Wise Heart.
Since 2002 God has given Mac and I a ministry that aids Assembly of God missionaries around the world. We provide technical support by traveling to the missionaries overseas, where we film what God is doing through their various ministries; producing promotional videos that allow the missionaries to share their passion for the lost and help raise funds to continue the work God has called them to do.
We love showing the world, "God's Family Movies!"
More information about our ministry is available on the other section of our website: www.mandley.com
There you can view many of the videos we have made. They are listed under the World Missions/U.S. Ministries button on the navigation bar.