1. How does the essence of the universe reflect the Creator? | |
A. It demonstrates that mass can be converted into energy. B. It relates the tri-universe to a trinity Godhead. C. It shows that anyone can experience God in the third dimension of space. D. It reveals the multi-dimensional nature of God. |
 For questions 2-5, match the following statements with the theory they support. A. Theistic Evolution | B. Progressive Creation | C. Day-Age | D. Gap Theory | E. Punctuated Equilibrium | | |
 2. Geologic ages occurred between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 | |
A. B. C. D. E. | |
 3. God created various parts over long periods | |
A. B. C. D. E. | |
 4. Evolution was the process God used for the creation | |
A. B. C. D. E. | |
 5. Days in Scripture are really long periods of time | |
A. B. C. D. E. | |
 6. What surface features on Earth are evidences of rapid sediment deposition? | |
A. Plants of different ecological zones buried together B. Fossil ripple marks C. Fossilized clam shells D. Holes in fossilized fish from eruption of gases |
 7. From Sidebar 1, identify the example of how Romans 1:20 ("...theinvisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,being understood by the things that are made...") is demonstrated in thephysical universe. | |
A. The heavens declare the glory of God. B. The triune nature of God is seen in the nature of the universe. C. The love of God is identified with gravity as the force that binds. D. The size of God is seen in the size of the universe. |
 8. Progressive creationists and Day Age proponents say that the days of thecreation week were actually long periods of time. Identify a problem withthis interpretation. | |
A. The Hebrew word yom can only denote a literal day. B. The dinosaurs did not live with man. C. Death would have occurred before sin. D. The light from distant stars would not have reached Earth yet. |
 9. Which of the following is/are (a) valid argument(s) that the Flood ofNoah's time was global and not just a local event? | |
A. The Bible says "all the high hills that were under the whole heaven, were covered." B. The Bible says "the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished." C. The task of building the ark would have been an unnecessary and cruel task if Noah could have just walked away from the location that God was going to flood. D. The Mesopotamian valley could not support a local flood that did not affect the rest of the world. E. All the above F. A and B only G. A, B, and C only H. None of the above |
 10. You are discussing your "Advanced Creationism" class with a Christianfriend, and she says that she believes that the geological evidence forevolution is so powerful that she thinks theistic evolution must be true.What do you say to her about the theological implications of this view? | |
A. There is no evidence for a gap in between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 nor isthere evidence for a global catastrophe after the fossil record wasdeposited. B. Theistic evolution is inconsistent with God's methods because it makesGod to be the institutor of the "struggle for survival." C. Theistic evolution implies that God did not make animals well enough tosurvive, and that is the reason there are so many extinctions. D. Theistic evolution makes God to be a liar. |
 11. For what Biblical reason is the doctrine of a recent creation a vital doctrine? | |
A. Charles Darwin began his compromise with believing in an old Earth. B. In Genesis, the Bible says that the Earth is 6,000 years old. C. Jesus said that people have existed since the beginning of the creation. D. Long ages limit God's ability to perform miracles. |
 12. How would you defend your belief in Biblical creation from the claimthat Biblical creation is "anti-intellectual" and ought not to be taught? | |
A. Many of the "Founding Fathers" of science believed in creation and didscience to glorify God by discovering His creation. B. Almost all the "Founding Fathers" of America believed in creation, andthey intended for the Bible to be taught in schools. C. Biblical Christianity is not the only religion that believes inmonotheistic creation; Orthodox Judaism and Islam also teach creationism. D. It is only the truth of a young earth that can liberate our minds to know any truth. |
 13. Why is the issue of death before sin so important to young earth Creationists? | |
A. It is the best defense they can think of for their position. B. Sin is the result of death, and old earth creationists and theistic evolutionists do not recognize this. C. The first mention of sin in the Bible was the slaying of an animal for clothes for Adam and Eve. D. The Bible teaches that death came by sin. If physical death preceded sin, God was the author of death. |
 14. What is a problem with the application of II Peter 3:8 ("...one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.") to the days of creation? | |
A. Six thousand years is not nearly enough time for evolution. B. The application takes II Peter 3:8 completely out of context. C. II Peter 3:8 is misinterpreted. D. II Peter 3:8 is not meant to be a mathematical formula (one day = one thousand years) E. All the above F. A, B, and C G. A and D |
 15. How could Noah's Flood explain the following situation? Gingko Petrified Forest State Park in Washington State has over 200 different types of fossil plants that range in habitat from temperate to tropical ecosystems. | |
A. Before the Flood, the whole Earth may have had a moderate temperature, and many varieties of plants could grow together. B. The Flood relocated many plants in floating mats of vegetation causing plant material to mix. C. The ecology of Washington state must have changed drastically many times before the Flood. D. We have no way of knowing that those plants were tropical. E. All the above F. A and B only G. A and D only H. C and D only |
 16. Which analogy parallels the "process of creation" analogy - i.e. source: operation: product (as discussed in Sidebar 2)? | |
A. RNA: DNA: protein B. Information: messenger: life C. God: speaks: existence D. DNA: cell: body |
 17. How does the Gap Theory conflict with Romans 5:12 - "Wherefore, as byone man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passedupon all men, for that all have sinned:" | |
A. The Gap theory teaches that God created intermittently over long periods of time; this theory contradicts the Scripture passage because God created in 6 literal days. B. The Gap theory teaches that evolution was the mechanism God used to make the universe; this theory contradicts the passage because there are no undisputed transitional forms. C. The Gap theory teaches that the geologic ages occurred between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 but life was destroyed and recreated; this theory contradicts the passage because death would have occurred before sin. D. The Gap theory teaches that each "day" of creation was a long period of time during which God created at key points and the fossil record was deposited; this theory contradicts the Scripture passage because death would have occurred before sin. |
 18. Defend the young earth interpretation of Genesis 1:29 ("And God said,Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face ofall the earth, every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yieldingseed; to you it shall be for meat.") from the interpretation that there musthave been death before sin because many plants die if they are eaten, soeither there would have been death of plants, or death of animals bystarvation. | |
A. The fall must have occurred about three hours after creation, or some life forms would have starved to death. B. Animals must have just eaten fruits and "pruned" plants, but must not have eaten carrots or potatoes because that would kill them. C. Animals were never limited to plants because there are many animals that are strict carnivores. D. Plants, though biologically alive, are not "alive" by the Biblical definition of life. |
 19. Identify a statement that would be made by someone who believes in theistic evolution. | |
A. The creation "days" in Genesis 1 were really long periods of time. Moses didn't have a better word so he had to use yom. B. II Peter 3:8 proves that to God a day is the same as a long period of time. C. Jesus believed that man and women have existed since the beginning of the creation. D. God used natural selection and mutations over long periods of time to make man. |
 20. How does the purpose of creation as discussed in Sidebar 5 seem to oppose the theistic evolutionist's view of creation? | |
A. Death and "struggle for survival" are not glorifying to God. B. It was God's purpose to create out of nothing. C. God would not have made things slowly. D. God would not have spoken things into existence. |
 21. Essay: Module 1 discussed four theories that try to accommodate the Bible to evolutionary geology. Describe each theory and the problems with each theories. After completing your essay, check your answer here. | |
 22. Essay: Module 1 discussed historical, theological, biblical, and scientific reasons why recent creation is a vital doctrine. Give reasons from each of these four categories that demonstrates why recent creation is a vital doctrine. After completing your essay, check your answer here. | |