|   | | Module Introduction The purpose of this module is to present Biblical Creationism. The Bible is the Word of God. The Biblical record, in Genesis, is the only record of the creation of space, time, and matter. | Upon completion of the Biblical Creationism Module, you should be able to identify the four common theories that try to accommodate the Bible with long geologic ages. You should also be able to associate Biblical and theological problems with these theories in defense of a recent, six-day supernatural creation. At the end of this module, you should be able to: - Identify four theories that try to accommodate the Bible to evolutionary geology.
- Explain theological problems with the four theories.
- Answer three common arguments against the literal days in the creation week.
- List seven evidences for a global flood.
- Identify reasons why the seventh day of the creation week was a literal day, not a long period of time.
- List or recognize historical, theological, biblical, and scientific reasons why recent creation is a vital doctrine.
| Key Points (Learning Objectives)
- The Method of Creation
- The Act of Creation
- The Process of Creation
- The Time of Creation
- The Six Days of Creation
- The Implications of a Recent Creation
- The Purpose of Creation
Module Assignments
All scripture references and commentaries are from the Defenders Study Bible.