Module Introduction The purpose of this module is to present scientific creationism. A thorough examination of the creation/evolution controversy requires that we have a firm understanding of the definition of science and the concepts used to discuss it. By using the models of origins, we can make predictions. These predictions then allow us to test and compare the origin models. To correctly examine the evidence presented by each model, we must understand the basic tenets of each model of origins. Key Points (Learning Objectives) At the end of this module, you should be able to:
- Define science, Biblical and scientific creationism, evolution, macroevolution,microevolution, model, and theory.
- Identify predictions of the creation model and of the evolutionary model.
- Explain how creation and evolution are equally scientific and non-religious.
- Explain how the peppered moth is not evidence for evolution, but fits the predictions ofthe creation model.
- Define speciation and specialization and interpret the data seen from the finchesof the Galapagos Islands.
- Critically explain some common supposed evolutionary series from the fossil record(horse-series, mammal-like reptiles, Archaeopteryx, ammonite series) andfrom biology (Volvox series).
- Identify and interpret geologic indicators of a young earth.