
Using Models of Origins to Make Predictions

The chart below lists the predictions made by each model in the areas of Natural Selection, Speciation, Fossil Record and Age of the Earth.

Select a topic to examine the evidence.

Selected Topics

Predictions of the Young-Earth Creation Model

Predictions of the Old-Earth Evolution Model

The Evidence

Natural Selection

1) Different variations of same kind may be selected by various environmental pressures

1) The "most fit" individuals will be selected and their gene pools perpetuated

2) Variations are restricted to the boundaries of that kind

2) Continued selection of the most fit results in new species formation


1) Variation within kind

1) Natural selection results in new adaptations to environment

2) Stasis of kind

2) New species are formed

3) Potential for decrease in variation and information

3) Increase in variation and information

Fossil Record

1) Abrupt appearance of complex life

1) Simple life to complex

2) Simple and complex life together from the beginning

2) Complex life always following simple life-forms

3) Stasis of kinds (sharp boundaries among types of plants and animals)

3) Continuum of transitional forms from simple to complex

4) Ability to classify fossils by same criteria used today

4) Difficulty classifying fossils by same criteria used today

5) Mosaics of complete traits in unique combinations (good design)

5) Many bad designs which were replaced by more highly evolved life

Age of the Earth

1) Find evidence of rapid burial and sediment deposition

1) Find evidence of gradual sediment deposition and erosion

2) Sedimentary rocks in soft, plastic form after Flood capable of being deformed

2) Each rock layer took millions of years to form and was already hard rock when deformed


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