
Module 4 Practice Examination
1. What does the amount of Uranium and Lead in a rock tell us that is factual?
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A. The amount of Uranium that was present when the rock was formed

B. The rate at which Uranium decays to Lead

C. The amount of Lead that was leached out of the rock by groundwater

D. The amount of Uranium and Lead in that rock

2. Why are Potassium/Argon dates inconsistent?
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A. Potassium decays to Argon

B. Argon decays to Potassium

C. There is evidence that the "daughter" element (Argon) was present from the start

D. There is evidence that the "parent" element (Potassium) was not present from the start

3. How does atmospheric helium support the model of creation?
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A. The rate of escape from the atmosphere is less than the rate of flow into the atmosphere

B. At the current rates of flow into the atmosphere and escape from the atmosphere, the amount of helium indicates that the atmosphere cannot be 4.5 billion years old.

C. Helium is a by-product of radioactive decay

D. 3He is found in the ocean

4. In what way is the Earth's magnetic field evidence of a young age?
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A. It has decreased in intensity

B. It has decreased in energy

C. Archaeomagnetism demonstrates that the field has decreased and fluctuated wildly indicating that the magnetic field would have been at maximum intensity recently.

D. By extrapolating the rate of decrease in magnetic energy into the past, we find a maximum age of the earth of around 10,000 years

5. What are radioisotopes?
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A. Isotopes which are unstable and change form to become more stable

B. The decay process of an unstable isotope to a more stable one

C. The probability that a radioactive parent atom will decay during a one year period of time

D. Metals that glow in the dark

6. Which of the following is a problem for the idea of uniformitarian plate tectonics (continental drift)?
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A. Fitting the continental plates together

B. The total mismatch of the fossil layers in continents that were supposedly joined at one time

C. Lack of a sufficient cause for the breakup of the continental plates

D. The compressed, deformed, and thrust faulted sediment on the floor of trenches

7. Evolution theory conflicts with Biblical Creationism in the order of appearance of which of the following?
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A. Mammals

B. Plants

C. Stars

D. Earth

E. A – D

F. B and E only

8. How would you answer the following statement?
"Radiocarbon dating has established the date of some organic materials to be well in excess of 50,000 years, thus rendering a recent creation impossible"
spacer A. Radiocarbon dating is an unreliable method, and usually gives multiple variable answers indicating that it is wrong and ineffective.

B. Calendar years are not the same as "radiocarbon years." A separate analysis must be used to calibrate the real time.

C. Radiocarbon dating begins with certain assumptions that are unacceptable. For example, one has to assume that the amount of C14 does not change into any other form by a decay process.

D. Radiocarbon is not used to date the ages of rocks or to determine the age of the earth.

9. While trying to explain to an acquaintance the intricacies of Dr. Humphrey's model of the Earth's magnetic field (Impact 188 and Impact 242), your friend says, "Oh, no, the dynamo theory has been long accepted as the mechanism for starting and maintaining the magnetic field." Respond by identifying one problem with the dynamo theory.
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A. The magnetic field has not always decayed smoothly.

B. The magnetic field is well documented to have been decaying, and decay is not explained by the dynamo theory.

C. Archaeomagnetism has shown that the magnetic field has remained constant in direction, but not in intensity.

D. The magnetic field is not decaying nearly as fast as the dynamo theory predicted it would.

E. A and C only

F. A and D only

10. How is the flow rate of Helium into and out of the atmosphere of significance to the age of the earth?
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A. The amount of helium in the atmosphere, based on uniform rates, indicates that the atmosphere could not be billions of years old.

B. The age of the atmosphere is not directly related to the age of the earth.

C. The age of the atmosphere is directly related to the age of the earth.

D. There would only be time for the present amount of helium to accumulate if there were no helium in the primordial atmosphere.

E. A and B only

F. A and C only

G. B and D only


11. True or False: Beta decay results in the modification of an atom's nuclear composition.
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12. Sidebar 3 ("Anomalous Ages for Australian Volcanic Rocks") is an excerpt from research by Dr. Andrew Snelling. Dr. Snelling tested rock samples with the Potassium/Argon dating technique. Identify the significance of his results.
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A. He found that the rocks had the radioactive "daughter" element present at the time of their formation.

B. The dating method did not give consistent ages even from the same rock section.

C. The volcanic rocks formed after 1949, but the tests gave them ages ranging between 0.27 million years and 3.5 (+/- 0.2) million years.

D. Potassium/Argon dating does not seem to be a reliable technique for obtaining ages.

E. All the above

F. None of the above

13. What is the relationship between a radioisotope's nuclear decay constant and the supposed "age" of a rock containing equal amounts of parent and daughter isotopes?
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A. Inverse

B. Direct

C. Random

D. Perpendicular

14. Examine the following table of the composition of the atmosphere. How can Creationists use it to support a young age for the earth?
Constituent Molecular
Percent by
in dry air
Total Mass
Nitrogen 28.013 78.084 3.866x1021
Oxygen 31.999 20.948 1.185x1021
Argon 39.948 0.934 6.59x1019
Water Vapor 18.015 variable 2.450x1018
Carbon Dioxide 44.010 0.0135 2.450x1018
Neon 20.183 1.818x10-3 6.48x1016
Helium 4.003 5.24x10-4 3.71x1015
Krypton 83.80 1.14x10-4 1.69x1016
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A. The total mass of oxygen in the atmosphere is exactly what is needed to maintain gravity.

B. Evolutionists cannot adequately explain why there is not more helium in the atmosphere.

C. If the atmosphere were billions of years old, there would be a lot more oxygen produced by plants after all this time.

D. An old, reducing atmosphere would have had a higher oxygen concentration by now.

15. In Impact Article 17, Dr. Morris provided a lengthy list of processes that indicate that the earth is not billions of years old. What exactly do these processes tell us?
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A. The lowest limit for the earth's age

B. The highest limit for the earth's age

C. The exact age of the earth

D. When the earth cooled from a molten state

16. How is the amount of radiocarbon in the atmosphere evidence of a young earth?
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A. The amount of radiocarbon being formed is not in equilibrium with radiocarbon decay yet, and equilibrium should occur after 50,000 years.

B. Radiocarbon dating of the atmospheric molecules reveals a date of 6,600 years.

C. It is hard to explain why the atmosphere does not have more helium isotopes if it has existed for 4.5 billion years.

D. There is no radiocarbon in the atmosphere, but there should be if the atmosphere were millions of years old.

17. You are discussing the age of the earth with a friend who is an "old-earth creationist." He says that Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) dating has proved that the earth is billions of years old. You object with which of the following facts?
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A. All rocks have primordial Argon in them, but there is nothing with which to calibrate the clock

B. The dating of recent volcanic rock has demonstrated that at least some rocks have potassium-40 in them from the beginning.

C. The dating of recent volcanic rock has demonstrated that at least some rocks have argon-40 in them from the beginning.

D. Radioisotope dating methods use assumption, and we can't consider anything that is based on assumptions.

18. After explaining how the lack of helium in the atmosphere is a problem for old earth advocates, someone points out that there actually is an acknowledged mechanism for helium to escape from the atmosphere—the thermal escape theory. How would you respond?
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A. Thermal escape does not allow nearly enough helium to escape to be able to explain the current amount of atmospheric helium.

B. Thermal escape is an impossible scenario because the upper atmosphere never gets hot enough to allow helium escape.

C. There has been no proof that thermal escape provides a significant amount of helium loss.

D. Thermal escape is completely theoretical.

19. You have learned that the amount of helium in the atmosphere could build up in 1.8 million years, the magnetic field seems to be 6,000 – 100,000 years old, and radiocarbon in the atmosphere indicates that the atmosphere is less than 50,000 years old. Since these dates are all different, what can we say about the age of the earth?
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A. The evidence indicates that the earth cannot be more than 6,000 years old.

B. The evidence indicates that the earth cannot be 4.5 billion years old.

C. The evidence indicates that the earth cannot be more than 951,500 years old (the average of the three ages).

D. The evidence indicates that the earth cannot be less than 1.8 million years old.

20. There is evidence that earth's magnetic field has reversed many times in the past. Which model of the magnetic field explains the data the best?
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A. The Free-Decay Theory

B. The Dynamo Theory

C. The Dynamic Decay Theory

D. The Expediency Theory

21. Module 4 discusses 6 myths of radiocarbon dating.
A. What are these 6 myths and how are they incorrect?
B. When presenting the truth regarding these myths, which two do you feel would be the most effective in countering evolution? Why?

After completing your essay, check your answer here.


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