
Video Introduction
In this module's video, Mt. St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for Catastrophe, Dr. Steve Austin uses his expertise in geology to explore Mount St. Helens and Spirit Lake. This module:
  • Relives the 1980 eruption.
  • Observes the rapidly formed geologic structures (strata, canyons, log deposits, etc.).
  • Applies this information to better understand the origins of other geologic features (Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, coal deposits, etc.).
  • Contemplates the significance of the volcano to our views of Earth, Noah's Flood, man and God.

Video Outline

I. Description of the volcanic event
A. Summit lost 1,300 feet of elevation; one half a cubic mile of landslide material slid off the mountain on May 18, 1980

B. In March 1980, there was an earthquake below the mountain. The summit was observed to be swelling at 3 – 5 feet per day. On May 16 and 17, it was swelling at a rate of 50 feet per day

C. May 18—another earthquake
1. Landslide from the mountain displaced the water in Spirit Lake and blocked Toutle River
2. Landslide followed by steam blasts—composed of volcanic ash and steam
a. 550oF traveling along the ground at 200 miles per hour
b. Force of 20 million tons of TNT
c. Leveled 150 square miles of forests
3. Steam blast followed by 9 hours of violent eruption (400 million tons of TNT energy)
4. Mud flows through 6 major rivers downstream of volcano. 1/4 mile wide and 30 feet deep, the mud flows deposited up to 15 feet of mud.

D. The crater is covered by a lava dome formed by molten material that has oozed to the surface and solidified

E. Spirit Lake is covered with 1,000,000 logs which float in mats and drift

II. The geologic effects of the eruption
A. Strata deposited
1. Up to 600 feet of strata were deposited
2. The strata were not homogenized as was expected, but had minute layering
3. Each layer seems to have taken only minutes to form

B. Canyon erosion
1. Canyons were eroded through solid rock up to 100 feet deep
2. Loowit Canyon
3. Canyons were formed as a result of 500oF sediment covering glaciers. The glaciers melted and a steam pit collapsed.
4. Toutle River had been blocked by the landslide, but was unblocked in 1982 and new channels were cut
a. 5 canyons, some over 100 ft. deep were cut
b. A "miniature Grand Canyon" was cut in one day

III. Applications of Mt. St. Helens to other geologic formations
A. Grand Canyon
1. Mt St. Helens is evidence for fast, catastrophic formation. This is at odds with the slow formation proposed by evolutionists. They believe it has taken millions of years for the Colorado River to form the Grand Canyon.
2. Breached Dam Theory

B. Santa Cruz River (Darwin)

C. Fossil forests
1. In Spirit Lake, there are 1,000,000 logs floating. Logs get water logged in trunk end and have been found in upright floating positions on the bottom and are being buried in strata layers
2. Formation of coal
a. Peat bog theory
b. Floating mat model—bottom of Spirit Lake is up to 3 feet thick in peat dominated by tree bark

D. Challenge for our faith
1. Mt. St. Helens demonstrates the greatness of God "He touches the mountains and they smoke"
2. The justice of God—All were warned
3. Mercy of God—"The Lord is ... not willing that any should perish..." 2 Peter 3:9
4. Meekness of God—He laid aside His power to come to man
5. At Mt. St. Helens, we saw what we thought was impossible to see


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