
Video Introduction
In this module's video, The Origin of Life, Dr. Duane Gish guides us through as we examine:
  • The Primitive Earth
  • Generation of proteins, DNA, and RNA
  • Protein (enzyme) formation
  • Living Cell
Video Outline

No theory of origins is scientific because the origin of life was not observed by man and is not testable

I. The steps required for naturalistic origin of life
A. The correct conditions on Earth—gases, energy sources, temperature, pH

B. Formation of compound elements—examples Amino acids, nucleic acids, and sugars

C. Combination of compound elements to form macromolecules—examples DNA, RNA, and protein

D. Formation of aggregates—examples Enzymes

E. First cell—an independent life form, able to reproduce
II. Examining the requirements and the evidence
A. The primitive Earth
1. Energy source—the sun—destructive UV rays
2. Nature of the atmosphere—must have been very different from today's for molecules to have formed
a. no oxygen
b. need hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, ammonia, and water vapor
c. Evidence from geology: no methane or ammonia; oxygen was present; the atmosphere seems to have been similar to today's

B. Generation of proteins, DNA, and RNA
1. The quantities of bases and sugars must have been incredibly enormous (millions of tons) to counter the diluting effect of the ocean
2. The combinations of nucleotides must form meaningful chains
3. There are 20 different amino acids that combine to make proteins
a. two variations occur spontaneously: "left-handed" and "right-handed" 50% each
b. the amino acids combine randomly
c. all proteins in living systems are composed of left-handed amino acids only in precise orders
4. Stanley Miller's experiment, results, and the problems with the experiment and results
a. trap—must have energy, but must protect from the same source of energy
b. no oxygen

C. Protein (enzyme) formation
1. The average protein has 400 amino acids arranged in precise order
2. The combinations of nucleotides must form meaningful chains. The probability of the enzyme ribonuclease (a 124 amino acid protein) forming is 1:21160—impossible, even in 5 billion years
3. To form just one cell by naturalistic origins, billions of tons of each component would be required: billions of tons for each of the hundreds of different proteins, for the DNA, for the RNA and for the complex carbohydrates

D. Living Cell
1. Needs properly organized genetic material, energy factors, and membranes and hundreds of enzymes and other proteins
2. Second Law of Thermodynamics—there is a natural tendency to break down, not to build up
3. If evolution is true, these molecules floating around must have gotten together to form metabolic pathways, genetic materials and proteins
4. Sir Fred Hoyle and Dr. Chandra Wickramasin conclude that, based on statistics, there must be a god because naturalistic evolution is virtually impossible

Conclusion: Life only comes from previously existing life—a law of biology
"Life could never have created itself naturally, so if it could not have created itself naturally, it must have been created supernaturally."


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