
The Evolutionary Lineage of Man

Primate Evolutionary Tree Part 2 (Sidebar 3)

A. The supposed evolutionary lineage: Common ancestor branched to apes and to man (separate lines); all intermediate stages are placed in Hominidae family
Ramapithecus (13 - 10 million years ago) to Australopithecus (4 -1 million years ago) to Homo erectus (1.6 - 1 million years ago) to Homo sapiens

Richard Leakey’s Skull 1470 Impact 11
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Bone Disease Simulating Ancient Age In "Pre-Human" Fossils Impact 59
Origin Of Mankind Impact 101
The Dating Gap Impact 244
Why Don't We Find More Human Fossils? Back To Genesis 37b
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"Human Evolution" An Update Back To Genesis 105a
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The Apple (Computer) Bites the African Eve Impact 229
Who Or What Made The Laetoli Footprints? Back To Genesis 98b
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Did The "African Eve" Leave Footprints? Back To Genesis 106b
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Does The Human Embryo Go Through Animal Stages? Back To Genesis 8b
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Evolution And The Human Tail Impact 117
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Why Do Some Babies Show "Animal" Characteristics? Back To Genesis 49b
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Do Back Problems in Humans Prove Evolution from the Animals? Back To Genesis 120b
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B. Ramapithecus: anatomical differences between men and apes—jaw and teeth
Ramapithecus has the teeth and jaw of a typical orangutan

C. Australopithecus: ape-like skulls
1. Lucy—claimed that she walked upright (hip joint); had gorilla jaw

2. Lord Zuckerman—Australopithecus did not walk upright

3. Dr. Oxnard—said they did not walk upright, and were not man's ancestors

Multivariate Analysis: Man...Apes...Australopithecines... Each Uniquely Different Impact 29
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Was Lucy An Ape-Man? Back To Genesis 11b
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Has the "Missing Link" Been Found? Back To Genesis 71b
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What Distinguishes Man From Ape? Back To Genesis 83b
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Who or What Was Australopithicus Ananemsis? Back To Genesis 84b
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D. Homo erectus
1. Java man
a. Dubois found skull cap and femur: skull cap - apelike; femur - human-like

b. Later Dubois said he was wrong; it was a gibbon

Alleged Evolutionary Ancestors Coexisted With Modern Humans Impact 286

2. Found teeth, jaws, broken skulls, and tools
a. creatures were too ape-like to have used tools

b. seem to have been hunted and eaten

3. Lewis Leakey found Australopithecus and Homo erectus contemporary, in a layer above man

E. Neanderthal
1. Were hunched, had eyebrow ridges, walked upright

2. Were diseased - arthritis and ricketts

3. Fully human

A Creationist's Evaluation of Neanderthal (Sidebar 4)

Is Neanderthal In Our Family Tree? Back To Genesis 105b
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F. Cro-magnon man—very similar to a European man

G. Others:
1. Piltdown man—hoax

2. Nebraska Man—one tooth

Summary Chart (Sidebar 5)


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