| Summary Chart (Sidebar 5)
Evolutionists claim in textbooks and museum exhibits that the evolutionary series leading to man is well documented in the fossil record. When a new, "advanced" population evolves, the pre-existing population is supposed to die out. However, this is not an accurate portrayal. Marvin Lubenow has done an extensive literature search and has discovered that most of the "hominids" existed simultaneously, even in the same locations. Below is a chart (adapted from Bones of Contention) that summarizes some of his findings. (Each X represents one individual. These are the minimal numbers of individuals.)
Date: Years ago | Locality | Anatomically modern Homo sapiens | Neanderthal | Archaic Homo sapiens | Homo erectus | 10,000 | Coobool Crossing, Australia | Many | | | Several erectus-like | 30,000+ | Willandra Lakes, Australia | XXXX (Many others) | | | X | France | Cro Magnon | Le Moustier | | | 50,000- 100,000 | Tabun Caves, Mt. Carmel, Israel | XX | X | | | 80,000 | Czechoslovakia | X | X | | | 100,000 | Klasies River Mouth Caves, South Africa | XXXXX | | XX+ | | Krapina, Yugoslavia | X | Many | X | | 105,000 | Skul Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel | XX (Skul 5,6) | XXXX (Skul 2,4,7,9) | | | 130,000 | Omo River, Ethiopia | XX | | X | | 130,000+ | Eyasi Lake, Tanzania | X | | X | | 150,000 | Kabwe, Zambia Broken Hill Mine | XX(X?) | | X (Rhodesian Man) | | 450,000 | Arago, Tautavel, France | | | X | X | China | | | | Peking Man | 500,000 | Trinil, Java, Indonesia | X X (Java Man Femur) | | | X (Java Man Skullcap) | 1.64 m.y.a. | Koobi Fora, area 103, Kenya | Footprints | | | XXX | Koobi Fora, area 104, Kenya | X | | | X | Koobi Fora, Ileret area, Kenya (near area 103&104) | Footprints; X | | | XXXXX | 1.9 m.y.a. | Koobi Fora, Kenya | XXX | | | X |
m.y.a. = million years ago
Lubenow, M. 1992. Bones of Contention Baker Books, Grand Rapids. p.180.