1. What 2 types of deposits do supporters of a global flood predict should be found? | |
A. Rocks and fossils B. Fossils and oil C. Rocks and oil D. Oil and gas |
2. What did Darwin assume at Santa Cruz? | |
3. What are the 3 physical processes of the Biblical flood as mentioned in Genesis 7:11,12? i. Volcanoes ii. All fountains of the great deep broken open iii. Earthquakes iv. Windows of heaven were opened v. Rained 40 days and 40 nights vi. Mudslides | |
| A. i, ii, iii B. ii, iii, iv C. iii, iv, v D. iv, v, vi E. ii, iv, v F. ii, iv, vi | |
4. The oceans cover over 2/3 of the globe. The oceans are deeper than the continents are high. The highest mountain is less than half as high as the deepest ocean is deep. This is one explanation of how there was sufficient water to cause a global flood that covered the mountains. | |
True False |
5. Mountains were probably not as high then. The flood laid down today's mountains. All major mountain chains are sedimentary rock that has been raised up. This is one explanation of how there was sufficient water to cause a global flood that covered the mountains. | |
True False |
6. Most of the water evaporated due to increased solar radiation. This is one explanation for where all the water went after the flood. | |
True False |
7. Which of these is NOT one of the flood predictions based on Scripture? |
A. Catastrophic deposition of sedimentary layers B. Increased solar radiation C. Regional stratigraphy (opposed to local) D. Large-scale erosion E. Intense volcanism F. Post-flood readjustment |
8. Fossils provide evidence for a catastrophic deposition. Which of these is NOT one of the evidences? | |
A. Must be buried rapidly, or will decay B. Most are found as broken pieces, strewn together C. Many whole fossils are found D. Provide an interpretation of the geologic column as ecology zones, not evolution |
9. Based on the information in Module 9, which is the best answer? Deposits that make up the Appalachian Mountains match: | |
A. Deposits at Mt. St. Helens B. Deposits at the Grand Canyon C. Basal Conglomerate deposits D. Modern turbidite deposits |
10. Mt. St. Helens provides evidence for a catastrophic deposition. As discussed in Module 9, which of these is NOT one of the evidences? | |
11. Boulders provide evidence for a catastrophic deposition. As discussed in Module 9, which of these is NOT one of the evidences? | |
A. Layers of boulders, such as those found in East San Diego County B. Grand Canyon's lowest layer of tapeats sandstone has boulders C. Boulders are found in the Basal Conglomerate D. Boulders require turbidite deposits |
12. Regional stratigraphy provides evidence for a catastrophic deposition. As discussed in Module 9, which of these is NOT one of the evidences? | |
A. Widespread coal beds B. Widespread sandstone beds (U. S. and Canada); similar to beach sand C. The Basal Conglomerate D. Tapeats sandstone in Grand Canyon, Chicago, and Pennsylvania |
13. How does the underfit river of the Grand Canyon support large-scale erosion by a major flood? | |
A. Meandering rivers erode the banks. B. A major flood is required to erode down. C. Boulders are found in the Basal Conglomerate. D. A and B E. A and C F. B and C G. All of the above |
14. As discussed in Module 9, which of these is NOT an example of post-flood readjustments? | |
A. Earthquakes B. Volcanoes C. All fountains of the great deep broken open D. The Ice Age |
15. How Darwin's assumption at Santa Cruz influenced his work in biology? | |
16. How would you defend this statement, "assumptions dictate interpretations and convictions"? | |
A. Assumptions color which experiments are conducted B. Assumptions color which data are considered important C. Assumptions color interpretations of conclusions D. All of the above |
17. There are no worldwide unconformities (either physical unconformities or fossil unconformities) and, therefore, no worldwide time break within the main sedimentary deposits in the geologic column. This means: | |
18. The widespread nature of flood traditions throughout the entire human race is excellent evidence for the existence of a great flood from a legal/historical point of view. | |
True False |
19. If a 450-foot ark were to be discovered on top of a high mountain, it could only have been placed there by a mountain-covering flood, a flood which would have been worldwide in scope. The evidence for such a flood would have had dramatic geologic consequences. | |
20. In "How Could Fish Survive The Genesis Flood?" Impact 222, Mt. St. Helens is used to provide examples of recovery from a catastrophic event. It allows us to project expectations from a major catastrophe, such as the Flood. Which of the items below can be projected from Mt. St. Helens? | |
21. Essay: Analyze how the post-flood readjustments would provide the necessary conditions for an Ice Age. After completing your essay, check your answer here. | |