1. Regarding the fossil record, Creation model predicts: | |
A. Transitional forms B. Abrupt appearance of fully formed plants and animals C. Variation within kind D. No ancestors, no intermediates E. All of the Above F. A, B and C G. B, C and D |
 2. Which of the following best describes the number and type of fossils found in Cambrian rocks? | |
 3. Which of the following best describes the number of transitional fossils found in Pre-Cambrian rocks for the transition from simple to complex invertebrates? | |
 4. Which of the following best describes the number of transitional fossils found for the transition between invertebrate and fish over a supposed 100 million years of evolution? | |
 5. Which of these are basic amphibian characteristics found in the "First" amphibian? | |
 6. Why are the Coelacanths not a good example for evolution for the transitional forms between fish and amphibians? | |
 7. Which of the following best describes the number of transitional fossils found for the transition between land reptiles and marine reptiles? |
 8. Which of the following best describes the number of transitional fossils found for the transition between reptiles and mammals? | |
 9. Which of the following best describes the number of transitional fossils found for the transition between land mammals and marine mammals? | |
 10. Why are flying insects not a good example for evolution? | |
 11. Why are flying reptiles not a good example for evolution? | |
 12. Why are flying mammals not a good example for evolution? | |
 13. Why is Archaeopteryx not a good candidate for the transitional form in the evolution of reptiles to birds? | |
 14. Why is Archaeopteryx considered a bird? | |
 15. How would you respond to the argument that Archaeopteryx's teeth, the claws on wings and its long bony tail prove its reptilian ancestry? | |
 16. This is a quote from an evolutionary botanist regarding the fossil record, "to the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special creation." | |
True False |
 17. This is a quote from an evolutionary paleontologist of the British Museum of Natural History regarding evolutionary transitions, "I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them." | |
True False |
 18. How is circular reasoning involved in evolutionary geology? Since the Darwinian theory of evolution is used to interpret the fossil record, we are guilty of circular reasoning if: | |
 19. Which is a problem for the Punctuated Equilibrium/Hopeful Monster Theory? | |
 20. Refute the following statement, "Different forms of life are found as fossils in the different rock systems. These rock systems represent different ages that are part of the geologic column." | |
 21. What are two anomalies in the geologic column that support a global flood? | |
 22. Essay: Explain how frozen mammoths support a post-flood rapid Ice Age. After completing your essay, check your answer here. | |