
Module 10 Practice Examination
1. Regarding the fossil record, Creation model predicts:

spacer A. Transitional forms

spacer B. Abrupt appearance of fully formed plants and animals

spacer C. Variation within kind

spacer D. No ancestors, no intermediates

spacer E. All of the Above

spacer F. A, B and C

spacer G. B, C and D

2. Which of the following best describes the number and type of fossils found in Cambrian rocks?

spacer A. Thousands of fossils of complex invertebrates
spacer B. Billions of fossils of complex invertebrates
spacer C. Thousands of fossils of single cells
spacer D. Billions of fossils of single cells

3. Which of the following best describes the number of transitional fossils found in Pre-Cambrian rocks for the transition from simple to complex invertebrates?
spacer A. No ancestor of invertebrates is found in Pre-Cambrian rock

B. Hundreds ancestor of invertebrates are found in Pre-Cambrian rock

C. Thousands ancestor of invertebrates are found in Pre-Cambrian rock

D. Millions ancestor of invertebrates are found in Pre-Cambrian rock

4. Which of the following best describes the number of transitional fossils found for the transition between invertebrate and fish over a supposed 100 million years of evolution?
spacer A. There is not one example of an intermediate between invertebrates and fish

B. Five to ten examples of in intermediate between invertebrates and fish have been found

C. Twenty to thirty of examples of in intermediate between invertebrates and fish have been found

D. Hundreds of examples of in intermediate between invertebrates and fish have been found

5. Which of these are basic amphibian characteristics found in the "First" amphibian?
spacer A. Feet

B. Legs

C. Large pelvic bone firmly attached to vertebral column

D. All of the above

6. Why are the Coelacanths not a good example for evolution for the transitional forms between fish and amphibians?
spacer A. Coelacanths already had legs.

B. Coelacanths already had a large pelvic bone firmly attached to vertebral column.

C. Coelacanths were thought to be extinct for 70 million years until found alive in 1938.

D. Coelacanths feet are too small for its body.

7. Which of the following best describes the number of transitional fossils found for the transition between land reptiles and marine reptiles?
spacer A. No intermediate forms of reptiles developing paddles have been found.

B. Five to ten examples of reptiles developing paddles have been found.

C. Twenty to thirty examples of reptiles developing paddles have been found.

D. Hundreds of examples of reptiles developing paddles have been found.

8. Which of the following best describes the number of transitional fossils found for the transition between reptiles and mammals?
spacer A. Mammals cannot be linked to reptiles or to any other group.

B. Five to ten examples of the transition between reptiles and mammals have been found.

C. Twenty to thirty examples of the transition between reptiles and mammals have been found.

D. Hundreds of examples of the transition between reptiles and mammals have been found.

9. Which of the following best describes the number of transitional fossils found for the transition between land mammals and marine mammals?
spacer A. There simply are no transitional forms in the fossil record between the marine mammals and their supposed land mammal ancestors.

B. Five to ten examples of the transition between marine mammals and land mammal have been found.

C. Twenty to thirty examples of the transition between marine mammals and land mammal have been found.

D. Hundreds of examples of the transition between marine mammals and land mammal have been found.

10. Why are flying insects not a good example for evolution?
spacer A. The fossils of both flying insects and non-flying insects are essentially the same as modern insects.

B. There are many fossils of both flying insects and non-flying insects, but no intermediate fossils between non-flying and flying insects.

C. Fossil insects are mostly found in amber. It is difficult to determine the age of amber.

D. All of the above

E. A and B

11. Why are flying reptiles not a good example for evolution?
spacer A. They are considered birds.

B. It is difficult to determine their age.

C. Only a few transitional forms have been found.

D. Despite the tremendous amount of transitional forms that would be necessary, an intermediate stage has never found.

12. Why are flying mammals not a good example for evolution?
spacer A. The oldest known bat is essentially the same as modern bats

B. No intermediate stage or ancestor

C. According to the evolutionary time scale the bat has not changed in last "50 million years"

D. All of the above

E. A and B

13. Why is Archaeopteryx not a good candidate for the transitional form in the evolution of reptiles to birds?
spacer A. It had scales instead of feathers.

B. It has too many reptilian features.

C. A fossil bird has been found in a layer that was supposedly 75 million years older than Archaeopteryx, yet that fossil is more bird like and less reptile like than Archaeopteryx.

D. All of the above

14. Why is Archaeopteryx considered a bird?
spacer A. It had the basic form and pattern of the avian wing.

B. It had feathers identical to the feathers of modern birds.

C. Feathers are a complicated structure, very different from scales.

D. Feathers develop differently from scales.

E. It had a furcula, or wishbone.

F. All of the above

G. A, B and E

H. A, B, C and D

15. How would you respond to the argument that Archaeopteryx's teeth, the claws on wings and its long bony tail prove its reptilian ancestry?
spacer A. Some other fossil birds also had teeth.

B. Species with teeth and species without teeth are found among fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals.

C. Some modern birds, such as the ostrich, have claws.

D. All of the above

16. This is a quote from an evolutionary botanist regarding the fossil record, "to the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special creation."

spacer True

spacer False

17. This is a quote from an evolutionary paleontologist of the British Museum of Natural History regarding evolutionary transitions, "I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them."

spacer True

spacer False

18. How is circular reasoning involved in evolutionary geology?

Since the Darwinian theory of evolution is used to interpret the fossil record, we are guilty of circular reasoning if:

spacer A. We interpret the fossil record with it.

B. We then say the fossil record supports this theory.

C. We then say that fossils are older than 6,000 years.

D. We use the geologic column.

19. Which is a problem for the Punctuated Equilibrium/Hopeful Monster Theory?
spacer A. Older populations need to become extinct.

B. Real mutations always turn out to be harmful.

C. Two Hopeful Monsters, one male one female, would need to occur simultaneously in the same population.

D. All of the above

E. A and B

F. B and C

20. Refute the following statement, "Different forms of life are found as fossils in the different rock systems. These rock systems represent different ages that are part of the geologic column."
spacer A. Much of the supposed order is artificial, since each local geological column varies from every other, and never constitutes more than a very small fraction of the total column.

B. Index fossils are most reliable for long-distance correlations.

C. The fossils represent ecological habits not evolutionary stages.

D. All of the above

E. A and B

F. B and C

21. What are two anomalies in the geologic column that support a global flood?
spacer A. There is a global temperate-to-subtropical zone throughout most of the geological column. This provides testimony to the contemporaneity of all the "ages."

B. Several global hydraulic/tectonic/volcanic cataclysms.

C. The global glacio-pluvial period following the global warm period.

D. All of the above

E. A and B

F. A and C

G. B and C

22. Essay: Explain how frozen mammoths support a post-flood rapid Ice Age.

After completing your essay, check your answer here.


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