
In this module we examined the challenge that the fossil record makes to evolution. We studied the predictions proposed by the evolutionary module and the creation model. We examined the evidence found in the fossil record, to evaluate which model best fits the fossil record.

Predictions of the fossil record
The Evolutionary model predicts billions of transitional forms.

The Creation model predicts the abrupt appearance of fully formed plants and animals, variation within kind and no ancestors or intermediates.

Evidence from the fossil record
Circular reasoning is involved in evolutionary geology.

Billions of fossils of complex invertebrates found in Cambrian rocks

Not one example of an intermediate between invertebrate and fish

The basic amphibian characteristics found in the "First" amphibian

The Coelacanths are not a good evolutionary example for the transitional forms between fish and amphibians.

No intermediate forms of land reptiles forming from amphibians

No intermediate forms of reptiles developing paddles (Marine reptiles)

Mammals cannot be linked to reptiles or to any other group

No transitional forms in the fossil record between the marine mammals and their supposed land mammal ancestors

Certain groups are not good examples of transitional forms for evolution, such as:

flying insects
flying reptiles
flying mammals


It is not a good candidate for the transitional form in the evolution of reptiles to birds
It is considered a bird
Its teeth, the claws on its wings and its long bony tail do not prove its reptilian ancestry

Evolutionist have admitted that:

The fossil record favored special creation
There is a lack transitional forms in the fossil record

Frozen mammoths support a post-flood rapid Ice Age

There are problems with the Punctuated Equilibrium/Hopeful Monster Theory

The fossils found in the various rock systems in the geologic column can be explained in more than one way. These rock systems can represent different ecological habits, not different ages.

Anomalies in the geologic column support a global flood

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