
Dinosaur facts

A. Examples are: Triceratops, Stegasaurus, Brachiosaurus, and
Brontosaurus (Apatosaurus/Diplodocus)

B. Characteristics
1. Reptilian qualities

2. Hip structure is distinct from other modern reptiles (lizard or bird hip) and gave them upright stance that modern reptiles do not have

3. Have found fossil eggs

Dinosaur eggs (Sidebar 1)

4. Have found fossil scale impressions

5. Dinosaur footprints
a. Can determine weight
b. Can determine speed

C. Reconstructing dinosaurs from fossil bones
1. Opinions about fossils are only opinions, and there may be more than one valid opinion.

2. Some opinions agree with Scripture, and some do not, though both opinions are based on the same evidence

3. Christians must use Scripture to interpret science

Newton's Approach to Science: Honoring Scripture (Sidebar 2)
Could Dinosaurs Be Cloned? Back to Genesis


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