In this module we examined seven evidences for interpreting the Grand Canyon.  | Ocean over the continent Rapid burial Widespread strata Short time between strata Massive tectonic upheaval Rapid erosion Doubtful dating methods | Once again we saw that evolutionist and creationist have the same data, but because they interpret that data through different frameworks they come to different conclusions. We looked at the limestone deposits of the Grand Canyon, seeing the difference between limestone and lime mud. We examined the origin of limestone caves along with reports of the rapid growth of stalactites and stalagmites. We studied the mass kill of Nautiloids in Nautiloid Canyon. We learned about the erosional remnant of strata, know as Red Butte and the significance of its formation near the Grand Canyon. We saw that a flood of continental dimensions is the most likely cause for the wide spread strata of the Grand Canyon. We were presented with four evidences for massive tectonic upheaval. We discovered that many secular geologists are attributing many features to catastrophes. Which confirms that the Flood could have shaped the geologic column. We found that the presence of quartz sand grains argue that the Kaibab Limestone was accumulated through transportation by moving water; not simply deposited from a slow, steady rain of carbonate mud in a calm and placid sea. We examined four assumptions made in using radioisotopes for dating and found that all of these assumptions seem to be false, or at least impossible to prove. We learned that isochrons (with their multiple rock samples) are thought to be more reliable than a model date obtained from only one sample. But that the isochron method assumes that the datable lava flow cooled from molten rock having different Rb/Sr ratios but having uniform mixing isotopically (all samples having the same 87Sr/86Sr ratio). If the strontium in the lava was not isotopically homogeneous when the flow cooled there are other explanations for the straight-line plots. These explanations indicate that the slope of the line has no identifiable time significance. The straight line plot is explained by geologic process, not by time-dependent nuclear decay within the rock. We examined how the Rb-Sr and K-Ar systems give discordant "ages" for Cardenas Basalt and associated Proterozoic diabase sills and dikes of Grand Canyon. We studied how the ages obtained for Grand Canyon lava rocks in ICR's research project showed the lower rocks had a younger "age" than the higher rocks. ICR's study of the Grand Canyon basalt demonstrated what seems to be problems with the rubidium strontium dating method. We learned the relationship between man's fall, death, fossils and the fossil record. Examining what that indicates about the whole geological column. We discovered that an approximate date for Creation and the Flood could be obtained by comparing data from the genealogical lists in Genesis 5 with the date of Abraham's migration. We found that there is no universal time gap in the geologic column, the entire column must represent one continuous intense depositional episode (one catastrophe), the vast destruction and burial of life in one age.  |