 | Video Introduction | This module's video, Biblical Creationism by Dr. Henry Morris, presents a thorough examination of the creation/evolution controversy. Through Dr. Morris' instruction, you should develop an understanding of the importance of Biblical creationism. The Bible is the Word of God. The Bible, in Genesis, provides the only record of the creation of space, time, and matter. |
Video Outline I. The Method of Creation | A. Genesis says that God completed creation in the past (which contradicts evolution) | 1. Chapter 1 summarizes what He did on each day 2. Chapter 2:1 3 summarizes the complete act 3. We cannot understand the act of creation through science because it happened in the past. | B. The act of creation | 1. | God called into being the space, time, and mass universe by His word | | 2. | God created every life (Heb. nephesh) including dragons (dinosaurs) a. Behemoth, Leviathan b. Japanese fishermen find (Note: In recent times, some creationists have noted that the decaying animal found by Japanese fishermen resembles a decaying basking shark. Jerlström and Elliott. 1999 "Letting rotting sharks lie: further evidence for shark identity of the Zuiyo-maru carcass," Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 13 (2): 83-87.) | C. God's continuing work is preservation; His future work is restoration  D. The process of creation | 1. fiatHe spoke and it was (Psalm 33:6,9 "...He spake and it was done...) 2. He took six days as an example for us 3. The creation was good, complete, mature and functioning | a. There was no struggle for existence, and no survival of the fittest b. There was no sin, sickness, suffering or death | | |
II. The Time of Creation
| A. Genesis says it took six days | 1. The first use of the term "day" is Genesis 1:5. It is defined as the light period in the light/dark cycle 2. Exodus 20:81 11 (fourth commandment)we are to work six days because God worked six days; we are to rest one day because He rested one day. 3. Exodus 31:17,18 God wrote the commandment on the tablet for Moses 4. Acts 3:21the prophets have been speaking since the world began (implying that man has been present since the beginning of creation) 5. Mark 10:6God made man in the beginning  | B. Implications of a recent creation | 1. Fossils were not laid down millions of years ago, but were formed after the creation 2. There was no death before sin | a. Romans 5:12Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: b. I Corinthians 15:21by man came death c. Romans 6:23the wages of sin is death d. Romans 8:21, 22the creation is in bondage to decay | 3. Fossils indicate a tremendous reign of death: evidence of Noah's flooda world-wide flood, not a local flood | a. Genesis 6:13God would destroy all flesh with the breath of life b. II Peter 3:6The world was overflowed with water 1) world (Greek kosmos = the heavens and the earth) 2) overflowed (Greek katakluzo = cataclism) c. Matthew 24:37,39Flood (Greek kataklusmos) d. Romans 8:21, 22the creation is in bondage to decay  | | Creation is a completed process that occurred instantly, in six literal days, several thousand years ago. |
III. The purpose of creation
