
I. The Method of Creation

A. Genesis says that God completed creation in the past (which contradicts evolution)
spacer1. Chapter 1 summarizes what He did on each day
spacer2. Chapter 2:1-3 summarizes the complete act
spacer3. We cannot understand the act of creation through science because it happened in the past.

B. The act of creation
spacer1. God called into being the space, time, and mass universe by His word
spacerThe Space-Mass-Time Universe: A Tri-Universe (Sidebar 1)
spacer2. God created every life (Hebrew nephesh) including dragons (dinosaurs)
spacer Behemoth , Leviathan
spacer—Japanese fishermen find

C. God's continuing work is preservation; His future work is restoration

D. The process of creation
spacer1. fiat—He spoke and it was (Psalm 33:6, 9 "...He spake and it was done...")
spacerHe spoke and it was
spacer2. He took six days as an example for us
spacer3. The creation was good, complete, mature and functioning
spacera.) There was no struggle for existence, and no survival of the fittest
spacer b.) There was no sin, sickness, suffering or death


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