References 1. Van Till, Howard. Audio taped debate held on October 27, 1988. Return to Text 2. Brown, Driver, Briggs. Hebrew Lexicon, Oxford Press, 1975. pp. 373-375. Return to Text 3. Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Moody Press, 1980. p. 346. Return to Text 4. See for example: Genesis 24:16; Numbers 14:7; Judges 18:9; 1 Samuel 25:15; II Samuel 11:2; Jeremiah 24:2,3. Return to Text 5. Davis, John. Paradise to Prison, Baker Book House, 1975. p. 62. Return to Text 6. Cameron, Nigel. Evolution and the Authority of the Bible, Paternoster, 1983, p. 66. Return to Text 7. Ross, Hugh. Biblical Evidence for Long Creation Days, Unpublished paper, n.d., p. 7. Return to Text 8. Cranfield, C.E.B. Romans. 2 vols., T & T Clark, 1975. I:413. Return to Text 9. Bozarth, G. Richard. "The Meaning of Evolution," American Atheist, 20 (Sept. 1979), p. 30. Return to Text |