
Both Dr. Steve Austin and Dr. Ken Cumming have conducted research related to Biblical creationism. The 1999 Israel Tour Handbook by the Institute for Creation Research contains two of their recent articles.

Greatest Earthquakes of the Bible
Sheep, Shepherds, and Lambs

Excerpt from "Greatest Earthquakes of the Bible"

Earthquakes are among the most awesome and sometimes most terrifying natural events that a person can experience. As we come to the Holy Land, we enter a region where earthquakes occur frequently. By one means or another big earthquakes have been documented in the Holy Land for a period exceeding 4,000 years. No other region of the earth has such a long chronology established for big earthquakes. Geologists recognize that the Holy Land's long chronology of earthquakes helps us understand how the Dead Sea Transform Fault system works. Principles generated from the seismic study of the Holy Land have already helped geologists better understand California's earthquakes.

Earthquakes also have a prominent place in the Bible. Earthquakes have been used of God at special times, with special people, for special purposes. Like other miracles, Biblical earthquakes were employed infrequently when no other human or physical agency could inflict judgment on the wicked, redeem His righteous people from difficult situations, or gain man's attention so God's Word could be considered. In fact, these three purposes—judgment, deliverance, and communication—should form our basis for understanding earthquakes of the Bible.

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Excerpt from "Sheep, Shepherds, and Lambs"

The topics that this essay addresses on the creation/ evolution issues are origins, environmental selection, and biogeography. The sheep kind appears to have remained distinct over recorded time. Environmental selection has produced a few subspecies and breeding by man—a large number. All appear to be interfertile, hence are a single species. Distribution of the subspecies can be explained by simple natural migration or transport by man.

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