
Module 1 Practice Examination
Answer for essay question 21
A complete answer includes all of these points.
A minimal answer has the key points but not all the details of the sub-points:

1. Theistic Evolution
Evolution is God's method of creation. There is continual development, increasing order and complexity, throughout the universe. Simpler elements evolved to complex elements, simpler organisms evolved to complex organisms, apes evolved to man. Religions, cultures, and other social institutions are likewise continually evolving into higher forms.

A. It contradicts the Bible record of creation.
The Bible states that God created plants and animals to reproduce "after their kinds." The New Testament writers accepted the full historicity of the Genesis account of creation. Even Christ Himself quoted from it as historically accurate and authoritative (Matthew 19:4-6).
B. It is inconsistent with God of the Bible.
Evolution involves the development of innumerable misfits, extinctions and death making God wasteful and cruel.
The Bible teaches that God pronounced His whole creation to be "very good." The present world is the result of man's sin and God's curse. "By one man sin entered into the world and death by sin" (Romans 5:12).
"Survival of the fittest" contradicts the Biblical doctrine of love, unselfish sacrifice, and charity. The God of the Bible is a God of order and of grace, not a God of confusion and cruelty.
(Point B can be applied to each of the 4 theories.)
C. It served Hitler as the rationale for Nazism and Marx as the "scientific" basis for communism. It is the basis of the various modern methods of psychology and sociology that treat man merely as a higher animal and which have led to the misnamed "new morality" and ethical relativism. It has provided the pseudo-scientific rationale for racism and military aggression.
2. Progressive Creation
God interjected occasional acts of creation at critical points throughout the geological ages. Thus, for example, man's soul was created, though his body evolved from an ape-like ancestor.

A. Point B under Theistic Evolution.
B. It makes God ignorance and incompetence.
Either that He didn't know what He wanted when He started the process or else that He couldn't provide it with enough energy to sustain it until it reached its goal. This can hardly be the omniscient, omnipotent, loving God of the Bible.
3. The Day-Age Theory
The "days" of creation are interpreted figuratively as the "ages" of geology.

A. Misuse of the Hebrew word "Yom"
The Hebrew word for "day" is "yom." In the overwhelming preponderance of its occurrences in the Old Testament it means a literal day. It was defined by God Himself the very first time it was used, Genesis 1:5, where we are told that "God called the light, day." It thus means, in the context, the "day" in the succession of "day and night" or "light and darkness".
When "Yom" is used to mean a definite period of time‹in a succession ("the first day", "the second day" etc.) or with definite terminal points ("evening and morning", etc.)‹the period always is a literal solar day. And there are hundreds of instances of this sort in the Bible.
spacer The plural form of the word (Hebrew "yamim") is used over 700 times in the Old Testament and always, without exception, refers to literal "days". A statement in the Ten Commandments written on a tablet of stone directly by God Himself is very significant in this connection, where He uses this word and says plainly: "In six days, the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is" (Exodus 20:11).
B. Contradictions Geology
It conflicts with the geological position with which it attempts to compromise. There are more than 20 serious contradictions between the Biblical order of the events of the creative days and the standard geologic history of the earth. The Bible teaches:
  • earth existed before the stars
  • earth was initially covered by water
  • fruit trees appeared before fishes
  • plant life preceded the sun
  • the first animals created were the whales
  • birds were made before insects
  • man was created before woman.
C. Point B under Theistic Evolution.
4. The Gap Theory
Places the geologic ages "before" the six days (making them six days of "re-creation" following a great cataclysm that had destroyed the primeval earth). According to the theory, Satan sinned against God in heaven (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:11-17), and God cast him out of heaven to the earth, destroying the earth in the process in the supposed pre-Adamic cataclysm.

A. Most of the fossil forms have obvious relatives in the present world. The "re-creation" concept involves God in "re-creating" in six days many of the same animals and plants which had been previously developed slowly over long ages, only to perish violently in a great pre-Adamic cataclysm.
B. The gap theory, therefore, really does not face the evolution issue at all, but merely pigeonholes it in an imaginary gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
C. There is no geologic evidence of such a worldwide cataclysm in recent geologic history. The geologic ages are based specifically on the assumption that there have been no such worldwide cataclysms.
D. It makes God the direct author of struggle, violence, decay, and death on a worldwide scale for at least three billion years. The supposed pre-Adamic cataclysm is due to Satan's sin. But this does not account for the suffering and death in the world during the geologic ages that preceded his sin!
E. Point B under Theistic Evolution.



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