| Examining the requriements and the evidence
A. The primitive Earth B. Generation of proteins, DNA, and RNA | 1. The quantities of bases and sugars must have been incredibly enormous (millions of tons) to counter the diluting effect of the ocean 2. The combinations of nucleotides must form meaningful chains 3. There are 20 different amino acids that combine to make proteins 4. Stanley Miller's experiment and its problems | a) it must have energy, but it must also be protected from the same source of energy b) no oxygen | RNA World (Sidebar 3) | C. Protein (enzyme) formation | 1. The average protein has 400 amino acids arranged in precise order 2. The enzyme ribonuclease is a 124 amino acid protein. The probability of its formation is 1:21160impossible, even in 5 billion years 3. To form just one cell by naturalistic origins, billions of tons of each component would be required: billions of tons for each of the hundreds of different proteins, for the DNA, for the RNA and for the complex carbohydrates. Each of these impossible steps had to happen (by chance) many times, until there was an accidental combination that moved the process to the next step. That step also had to happen many times, until a lucky combination moved it up to the next step. This multitude of impossible combinations had to continue through every step of the process. This impossible process had to continue until all of the combinations that were required had accumulated into a self-reproducing organism. Until it was able to reproduce itself, each dead-end meant the entire process had to start again from the very beginning. | D. Living Cell