All evolutionary models for the primitive atmosphere begin with an atmosphere devoid of O2 and consist mainly of N2, H2O, and CO2. The models are generally constructed based on the conditions necessary for chemical evolution to occur rather than on the evidence found in geology. It is necessary to exclude oxygen in their models for two reasons. First, all organic compounds are decomposed quickly in the presence of oxygen. Second, trace quantities of oxygen would inhibit the organic molecules from ever forming. But, the belief that chemical evolution occurred is the "strongest evidence" that the primitive atmosphere was without oxygen.[1] There are two main sources of free oxygen in the earth's atmosphere: Photodissociation of H2O, and photosynthesis. The amount of O2 that can be produced from photodissociation due to ultraviolet light is greatly debated. Some estimates range from 10-15 all the way to 0.25 of present atmospheric levels. Some of the issues that would effect the amount of photodissociation are volcanic activity (escaping free H2), ambient temperature, amount of UV light coming from the sun and other stars during the ancient past, and the amount of ozone. The amount of ozone does present quite a conundrum. The presence of oxygen O2, and hence ozone O3, would prevent organic molecules from forming, but the presence of ozone is required to protect the newly evolving cells from deadly UV radiation. Assuming, photosynthesizing cells could evolve in this environment, they would supply additional free oxygen until the current level of oxygen was reached. The evidence from geology regarding original atmospheric composition is anything but conclusive, but does leave the possibility open that there has always been oxygen in the atmosphere. If evidence of O2 can be found in the oldest mineral deposits, then the likelihood of chemical evolution occurring is reduced to small pockets of anoxic environments that existed in an otherwise oxidizing environment. Iron Oxides: Uranium Oxides: At first glance, the very idea of being washed downstream to a distance deposition site would seem to indicate that the grains had ample opportunity to be in contact with free O2 if it existed in the atmosphere during the time it was deposited. However, if the stream was moving very rapidly, the minerals may not have had time to come to equilibrium with the atmosphere before being deposited. This deposition was probably not rapid based on the amount of wear on each grain and the amount of sorting found in the layers. The deposits could also have been transported during glacial periods. There is some evidence of glacial formations in that area of South Africa supposed 2.5 billion years ago. The corresponding lack of contact with the atmosphere and the cold temperatures would have greatly reduced the reaction with O2 even in the presence of significant levels of O2 at that time. Conclusion After examining the geological evidence, the scientific community is starting to concede that the primitive earth's atmosphere was less reducing than first estimated, and that it may have even been oxidizing. Some chemical evolution experiments have been redone using more neutral (intermediate between reduced and oxidized) atmospheres than the initial experiments. "These experiments have generally yielded products in smaller quantities and less diversity than comparable experiments under more reducing conditions."[2] 2. Thaxton, Charles B., Walter L. Bradley and Roger L. Olsen, The Mystery of Lifešs Origin: Reassessing Current Theories, Philosophy Library, NY. 1984. p.94. Return to Text Related link: "The Mineral Gallery" at (collection of mineral descriptions, images, data, and specimens) |
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