| The history of evolution
| 19th Century | 1. Charles Darwin's Origin of Species was a catalyst, but at least 11 other men had written about natural selection before Darwin 2. Occult influence over Darwin, Freud, and Marx 3. Alfred R. Wallaceunderstood the idea of the origin of species during a fit | The Great Chain of Beinga continual link from the divine essence of nature to all things (living and non-living); from the ancient Greek philosophers The Great Chain of Being (Sidebar 4) Babylonian myths(Babylon, Babel) | 1. Babel was the center of the world's first kingdomunder Nimrod 2. When the people were dispersed with advent of languages, the beliefs were taken to all nations 3. Babylonian myths all speak of a watery chaos from which 2 gods arose; the lie of Satan may have been told to Nimrod | The war is fought by bringing our hearts, thoughts, and minds into submission to God. |