Module Introduction Ye shall know them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:16a). In this module we will examine ways in which the creationist "tree" has borne good fruits, and the evolutionist "tree" has borne bad fruits. We will examine the scope of the conflict and the impact each worldview has had on the world. This module also offers a review of the history of evolution.
Key Points (Learning Objectives)
The scope of the conflict between creation and evolution
The impact of creation and evolution
The history of evolution
Module Assignments
Reading Assignment
The Modern Creation Trilogy, Dr. Henry M. Morris and Dr. John D. Morris. Volume 3, Society and Creation Chapter 2 pages 31 - 56 Chapter 3 pages 57 - 80 Chapter 4 pages 81 - 128 Chapter 5 pages 129 - 180
Video Assignment
The Long War Against God featuring Dr. Henry Morris.