
Answer for essay question 21
A complete answer includes all of these points.
A minimal answer has the numbered points but not the details of the sub-points:

spacer 1. An Ice Age needs:
spacera. More evaporation
spacerb. More snowfall
spacerc. Less snowmelt
spacer 2. The post flood earth would have been a mud slick, with little plant growth.
spacera. This would have helped make a cooler land mass.
spacerb. This would cause less snowmelt.
spacer 3. Volcanic dust would have helped keep out solar radiation
spacera. This would also cause less snowmelt.
spacer 4. Volcanoes would have helped provide a warmer ocean.
spacer a. This greater temperature difference would have caused more intense storms.
spacer b. The warmer ocean would cause more evaporation.
spacer c. More evaporation and more intense storms would cause more snowfall.


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