
The impact of creation and evolution
The fruits of creation
1. The founding of our nation—"endowed by our Creator"
2. True science—the founding fathers of many fields of science were creationists from the time of the reformation. (ex: Kepler, Newton, Boyle, Pascal, Pasteur)
3. True Christianity—Christ is the Creator
Excerpts from documents of the Founding of our Nation (1776-1844) (Sidebar 2)

The scope of evolutionary worldview
1. Every discipline is taught within the framework of an evolutionary premise in most schools.
2. The tenets of humanism are based on evolution.
3. According to evolution, suffering and death are good because they lead to progress.
Excerpts from evolutionary literature (Sidebar 3)

The impact of evolution
History of Worldviews

1. Socially
a) Carnegie and Rockefeller—believed in survival of the fittest corporation
b) World War I and World War II
c) Hitler's acts followed his belief in evolution—racism
d) Communism

The Gospel Of Creation And The Anti-Gospel Of Evolution
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Can You...Recognize Bias In History Content?
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The Religion Of Evolutionary Humanism And The Public Schools
The Impact Of Evolution On The Social Sciences
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The Impact Of Evolution On The Humanities And Science
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Evolution At The Smithsonian
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If it's in the Museum, Doesn't that Mean it's Right?
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Should Evolution Be Immune From Critical Analysis In The Science Classroom?
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Where Do The Anti-Creationists Come From?
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Is Creation One of the Traditional Values?
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Is Creation Treated Fairly in the Media?
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The Postmodern Agnostic
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2. The rationale behind many bad practices
a) drug culture
b) abortion
c) embryologic recapitulation

What is the Connection Between Homosexuality and Evolution?
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3. New Age Movement—based on evolution and pantheism

The New Age And Global Education
Pantheistic Evolution
Evolution, the New Age, and Your Child's Education
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